Monday, February 24, 2014

Reviewing Presentations

Demeter-I don't think there was a presentation from this god sadly.
Dionysus-I don't think there was a presentation from this god sadly.
Artemis-I found this presentation very informational.
Apollo-This one was very informational too.
Hermes- This presentation was funny and the content was very good.
Raven-This was okay, I feel they could have put more work into it.
Coyote- I thought this wasn't very good overall.
Balder-This one had good content.
Odin-This was my favorite by far!
Loki- I feel this one could have been better.
Freya- I liked this one a lot.
Jade Emperor- This was my other favorite!
Sun Wu Kong- This was kinda funny.
Horus- This one had a lot of dry, cheesy humor!
Ra- This was okay, could have put more work into their outfit.
Set- I loved it!
Osiris- This one was good.
Isis- Very informational.

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