Tuesday, February 4, 2014


         One day, Thrym, who is Thor's arch enemy and king of the giants, was able to take Mjollnir and refused to return it, unless, he got Freya, a beautiful goddess, to marry him.  When Thor told her the request, she denied the proposal harshly.  So almost in last resort to get Mjollnir back, he dressed up as the bride and walked into the wedding.  Thrym was astonished when he saw the appetite of the bride, but when he asked, they told him that she was not able to eat for a week due to her excitement to marry Thrym.  By the time the feast was over, Thor had consumed an entire ox and three barrels of wine.  When it came to the time to say their vows they proceeded to hold Mjollnir over Thor's head.  Thor then grabbed Mjollnir out of the air and took off his disguise.  He then used the hammer to smash the hall and all the giants.

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